Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter 7 (what else??)

Yes, it has finally come to an end. This series that has so inspired my own writing, has been something my family has shared for years, is wrapping up.

Son #1 is deep into the book, but waiting to read more until tonight when we can read together. It's just like anything else with someone you love, it isn't real until it is shared. To discover what will happen to Harry and his friends together is something I will always treasure, and something he will hopefully look back on in the years ahead as a special memory.

So far, I must say, I am enjoying the continuing story, sad of the losses already and eager to learn what will happen next. As always, JK does not disappoint. I know my only sadness will be in the turning of the last page. What an ending to a wonderful era....

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Major Events

Baby teeth. Our Baby has lost his first one. It's a milestone I never realized would affect me this much. The little spec of tooth was just sitting there on his gum. He was SO excited. All day long he talked about the tooth fairy, wondering how much she would "pay" him for his tooth.
But when bedtime came, he got very anxious about said fairy actually taking his tooth. He was upset that he would "never see that tooth again." We actually ended up leaving the T-fairy a note, requesting she leave the money... AND his tooth. If she wouldn't mind. He was very happy the next morning to see that she'd obliged.

Big brother also reminded us how quickly the boys are growing up by sharing a secret later: he knew the TF didn't exist. Heavy sigh. He seemed okay with it though, and was happy to keep his knowledge to himself.

The little guy has had a rough time of it lately -- had a trauma a couple of weeks ago that just about sent the hubby into a mental spiral. At bedtime, last pee before sleep, he dropped the toilet lid and seat on his... well, you know. The scream just about broke the bathroom windows. His father's head was spinning at the thought, oh my God, what are we going to do, oh my God oh my GOD!!! I just about had to slap him -- snap out of it!!! But he calmed down and we whisked the injured one off to an emergency clinic.

They were wonderful and so caring. No internal damage, thank GOODNESS, just a big nasty bruise. That kind of thing can be so bad, with complications to the urethra and catheters and all kinds of hellaciousness, so I felt very blessed that although I'm sure it hurt like the dickens, guardian angels kept it from being worse.

And now, this weekend, we have a family wedding where my little snaggletooth will be ringbearer and his big brother will usher. Praying for no drama... and no rain.

The writing, oh yes, the writing. It's slow going these days. I've completed seven chapters of the new book, but finding time to write has been trickier than usual. And no word from my agent or from the possible editor who is considering Sydney Wakefield is not motivating me much. Getting word from her would be a nice way to end the week....


Monday, April 30, 2007


I am having flashbacks of when the kids were itsy bitsy... sooooo tired tonight. Were up till all hours discussing the merits of piano lessons and whether or not it's good parent to allow our third grader to quit. This is one of those parenting moments when you know there's no right answer, you're pretty much done in either way.

Raised with music as I was, it just seems inherently wrong not to include music education as part of a child's development, but I'm trying to be sympathetic to my husband as he tells me not everyone was raised that way -- something that makes me sad. Music is a language as part of my world as the one I speak, and I can't imagine a life without it. I want that for my children, but at some point the realization hits that while we can want to give our kids everything, we can't force them to take it. I only hope that someday we, and he, will not look back and regret this. But my gut tells me we will.
Heavy sigh.
Time to go listen to some Mozart. If nothing else, he can appreciate listening to it!
all for now

Thursday, April 26, 2007

First Blog

Okay, gang, here we go. It's blogger time.

This is where I'm going to let you in on my world -- a world that may be like your own if you happen to be a working mom! I'll talk about what's happening at home, with the family, with work, with breaking into publishing, with the extended family, and anything else my little mind needs to churn about. So sit back and, hopefully, enjoy.