Monday, April 30, 2007


I am having flashbacks of when the kids were itsy bitsy... sooooo tired tonight. Were up till all hours discussing the merits of piano lessons and whether or not it's good parent to allow our third grader to quit. This is one of those parenting moments when you know there's no right answer, you're pretty much done in either way.

Raised with music as I was, it just seems inherently wrong not to include music education as part of a child's development, but I'm trying to be sympathetic to my husband as he tells me not everyone was raised that way -- something that makes me sad. Music is a language as part of my world as the one I speak, and I can't imagine a life without it. I want that for my children, but at some point the realization hits that while we can want to give our kids everything, we can't force them to take it. I only hope that someday we, and he, will not look back and regret this. But my gut tells me we will.
Heavy sigh.
Time to go listen to some Mozart. If nothing else, he can appreciate listening to it!
all for now

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